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Battle of the Improv - 1st Friday of the month

The first Friday of every month is home to our very own comedy improv game show; in a similar format to a certain TV show we can't name here. Come watch us put our performers through improv hell for your amusement, enjoy the awesome Friday drinks specials, and delicious hot food. Best of all, entry is only $3!



Friday 6th March 7:30pm - Proceeds to Karlee's Army

No show in April (falls on Good Friday)

Friday 1st May 7:30pm

Friday 5th June 7:30pm

Friday 3rd July 7:30pm

Friday 7th August 7:30pm

Friday 4th September 7:30pm - Proceeds to U.G.L.Y.

Friday 2nd October 7:30pm - Proceeds to U.G.L.Y.

Friday 6th November 7:30pm - Proceeds to U.G.L.Y.

Friday 4th December 7:30pm


We need your help!

Like the videos on our YouTube Channel explain - we use your suggestions to make the show even funnier. Feel free to use the form below to send us your suggestions!

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Fridays @ the Cannington

Grab a group of friends and head down to your local Club with more - the Cannington - on a Friday! The action starts at 6pm with our infamous Friday Grocery Raffles - you could fill your pantry for mere dollars and have fun along the way.


From 5:30pm-7pm you can enter our Chase the Joker just by ordering food (see here for more info), plus our Club Rewards Draw means that members could win cash just for being present, with a random draw taking place between 7pm and 7:30pm.


Feel like a game? Social Bowls is available Friday nights, names in by 6:30pm for a 7pm start, just $7 to play.


Plus, join us for BATTLE OF THE IMPROV, first Friday of each month at 7:30pm, for just $3!


Our awesome bistro menu is available 5:30pm-8pm, and middys of tap beer are just $3, pints $6 - every Friday.


Read on below for the details - we'll see you there!

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